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Local and Global Work 

I am dedicated to advocating for quality education, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #4, through my service work and heartfelt passion. My efforts extend both locally and globally, focusing on nurturing sustainable communities and uplifting the coming generations. Whether it's contributing to school construction projects in Kenya, offering support to a local orphanage in Fiji, mentoring young entrepreneurs in Australia, serving as a youth ambassador to Theirworld/Plan International Canada/World Vision/Youth Talks or interning at the United Nations in New York, each experience has enriched my understanding of education and community building.

Additionally, my involvement in local politics, including a candidacy where I received the support of over 23,000 voters, has reinforced my commitment to fostering positive change. Through these endeavors, I strive to play a role in promoting meaningful transformation and aspire to inspire others to join in the collective journey toward a more equitable and educated world.

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